Ode to you (wherever you may be)

Ode to you my friend, wherever you may be Ode to times we spent, never thought might end Ode to a love well shared, Ode to days… Memories can never be spared An ode goes to days spent under the sun, And under the moon where was all the fun Farewell to you wherever youContinue reading “Ode to you (wherever you may be)”

Lifting shadows off a dream

Standing on a foreign ground; among a strange crowd, in a queue with people from all around the planet being asked where we came from; and where are we going from here… jokingly I said “no one ever knows” which made me do nothing else but long for the warm sunny island I belong to; surely; makesContinue reading “Lifting shadows off a dream”

Same script, different cast

Sometimes I just think to myself how awesome it would be to wake up just to find out that I and all the people around me were actors in this sick drama; and we’ll all go out for drinks right after the show… Only if life was that kind… Do you ever lay awake atContinue reading “Same script, different cast”